Like Pepsi’s Facebook page for a free can of cola? Who wouldn’t!

Welcome readers, to that joyous time of semester, the last blog post of the unit! This post will examine Return on Investment (ROI) of Social Technology Implementations. I thought this would be an awesome opportunity to talk about one of the recent marketing endeavours by PepsiCo. Pepsi introduced in 1893, a cola flavoured, carbonated drink manufactured by the company PepsiCo ranking as one of the world’s most popular beverages out on the market, alongside its fierce competitor Coca Cola.

Its time to “Shake things up a bit”

ImageThe years of attractive marketing girls standing at intersections, handing out freebies are now over, a new era has risen. The dawn of the “Pepsi Like Machine”, yes you read it, the name says it all. This campaign went viral in Belgium at a recent Beyonce concert (who is the ambassador of Pepsi, receiving a $50 million sponsorship) where fans were able to get a free can of Pepsi simply by liking the companies Facebook page. Crazy right? A Facebook like for a free can of Pepsi… who wouldn’t do such a deal. The Pepsi like machine does not accept cash, the way it works is, the user logs onto their Facebook account from their smartphone and likes the Pepsi Company page and through location services it detects the vending machine in vicinity and magic! – a free can of Pepsi! For customers who cannot access Facebook from their phones, a touch screen on the vending machine is provided to log in via Facebook and like the companies page. This is a new method of marketing by making social networking mandatory not optional in order for customers to receive tangible benefits.

The description for the video reads:

Pepsi wanted to create a new way of sampling. An easy way to engage with consumers and know who is liking and drinking our product at the same time. That’s why we created the Pepsi Like Machine. And guess what…people really liked it. First test was at the 2013 Beyonce concert in Antwerp. 

The results!

Due to the nature of this social technology implementation, a ROI figure is unable to be determined as the campaign is yet to go global and metric figures are yet to be released. So what exactly do Pepsi get by giving out free cans of their product in exchange for a like on their Company page? The answer is truly genius – customer information! This is one incredible idea to gain information of a customer and get their email. Data is a critical component of a successful organization, with this campaign Pepsi can gather the information of their consumer base and make appropriate decisions on the data gathered.

” ..Thanks to this new way of sampling, we know exactly who liked, tried, and enjoyed an ice-cold Pepsi”  (Narrator of the Pepsi Like Machine commercial)”.


“Now it is possible, with a Facebook like, in real time, to get a can of Pepsi. “It’s a new way of sampling which provides us with information, so we can immediately start communicating with our target audience.” (Jan Verlinden, Marketing Director of PepsiCo)

This marketing scheme further emphasises the idea that “social” is the currency for big brand companies like Pepsi and Coco Cola. With a recent increase in their Facebook activity, the company is now sitting over a total of 22 million likes, countless articles and tweetings about this marketing scheme. Who knows what Pepsi has in store for the future, once they release the “Pepsi Like Machine” globally, they will be able to further pinpoint their customer base, access their information, view their preferences and make appropriate decisions – a marketers dream.

This concludes my last blog post! Please tell me what you think, would you share your information by liking their Facebook page and receiving a can of Pepsi? Although no metric figures has been released to determine an appropriate ROI, the information gathered of their customer base in invaluable and release of future figures are soon to come!. This scheme will definitely reap in the return in the years to come. Thanks for reading and leave a comment!


Nailing Honda’s Social Media Presence with Topsy and HowSociable!

ImageWelcome readers, this week’s post will be focusing on the use of social media monitoring tools. Honda has been chosen as the guinea pig for this experiment. Honda (Motor Company, Limited) is a Japanese company founded in 1948 and is primarily known as a manufacturer of auto-mobiles and motor cycles. Honda is also a top world provider of power and marine equipment, according to Edward Miller (2008) Honda produces more than 14 million internal combustion engines each year (click HERE for their Wiki page). The two social media monitoring tools that have been selected are HowSociable and Topsy.

ImageHowSocialble is a simple, online social media monitoring tool which allows the user to measure their brands impact on the social web since 2008. HowSociable provides users with a free 4 different analysis metrics on their chosen brand or organization and up to 12 different metrics once a free account has been created. HowSociable also provides a fee based subscription account which allows users to receive additional information and further analysis up to 36 different metrics.

My experience with this monitoring tool provided me with a user-friendly and informative experience. I simply entered the “Name or Brand” field with my target organization being “Toyota” and was instantly yielded results. As per inspiration from a fellow blogger in INB346 (QUT), I thought it would be interesting to compare Toyota against one of its competitors for a more in-depth analysis of their social web presence. In this case, Toyota has been selected as one of Hondas top competition in the auto-mobile industry. Below is the results from HowSocialble after entering the key terms “Honda” and “Toyota”.



As per the results, it is apparent that “Toyota” has a higher overall web presence within those top 4 social networks. However, Honda posses a slightly higher magnitude (level of activity around the brand during a given week). An interesting figure is Honda’s presence on the Professional networking site “LinkedIn” being minimal if not none. A stronger emphasis should be used on this platform to further obtain new customers and create networks.

ImageTopsy is an online social media monitoring tool that provides social insights on any term instantly. It provides users with social analytics of in putted terms, finds the most influential twitter authors on a given topic and provides an exposure of an event or campaign by searching through, photos, links, videos, tweets and influencers. An upgrade to Topsy pro with a subscription fee is available allow users with further information and features. Similar with HowSociable, I have used Toyota as a competitor to analyse against Honda’s social media presence.

Image(click image to enlarge)

The social analytics from Topsy indicated that within the last month, Honda received a massive total of 643 179 tweets opposed to Toyota with a total of 486 892. These results from the world of Twitter indicated that Honda is a lot more tweeted about than Toyota whether they are positive or negative comments.

Recommendations and Limitations

In terms of Topsy, a issue is how can the user determine whether the tweets received in the last month are positive or negative. In this scenario although Honda has more tweets,  but maybe they are receiving more negative tweets currently? Topsy also have implemented a feature recording the amount of tweets received in the last 6 hours which provides users with a up-to-date metric on their chosen search term. HowSociable is a excellent monitoring tool as it provides the user with metrics from a range of different social media sites, it is interesting to see the level of activity within each type of social media and the companies strengths/weaknesses. It is recommended that a filter is provided for HowSociable to allow the user to filter “time” rather than viewing social activity from 2008

This concludes my blog post for this week. Which social media monitoring tool do you think is the best for social analytics? I prefer HowSociable as it provides a thorough analysis across a range of social media. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave a comment!


There’s only one thing to say “YES” – Optus’s Enterprise 2.0 implementation!

Welcome my fellow blogging enthusiasts, to another post dedicated in unravelling the world of Enterprise 2.0. In today’s thrilling addition, I will be investigating an organization from the Professional Services Sector and analysing the use of social media within their organization primarily in terms of Blogs, Twitter, or Wiki’s to enhance their business.


OPTUS is one of Australia’s leading telecommunications providers alongside Telstra (click “here” for my colleagues blog on Telstra’s social media scheme). Serving over 10 million customers a day, Optus paves the way for telecommunication organizations by providing its customers with a range of services including:

  • Mobile (local, national and long distance services)
  • Landline services
  • Business network services
  • Internet and satellite services
  • Subscription, internet and television services

Optus is taking  the telecommunications industry by storm, and revolutionizing the they conduct business with their customers by taking its operations one step further and tackling the social media giants. Optus has not only established an on-line presence, but they are doing what other businesses don’t by following up on customers queries and engaging themselves into the on-line community. According to the Telecoms Chief Country Officer – Kevin Russell, “ The single biggest change between now and ten years ago – it is about social media, it is about the internet.. social media really is the new way of gauging word of mouth marketing”.


In relation to the value levers with implementing enterprise 2.0 published in the McKinsey Global Institute Analyst 2012, Optus is improving its [8] collaboration and communication channels with its consumers by using Twitter. Optus is successfully able to share short status updates and ideas with its followers and keep fellow colleagues up to date with business activity. Twitter encourages collaboration within the community as consumers are able to engage themselves by subscribing, tweeting and viewing tweets by Optus and other followers. So if you simply have an issue or want to keep dated with the world of technology its so much easier to jump on Twitter than to wait on a customer call line, not only does this shorten response times, it allows Optus to redirect its consumers to their other social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube. Further indirectly marketing themselves, eg: some promotions and sales may only be accessible through Facebook.

Blogs and Forums!


My Optus Community forum is a central source of information where consumers are able to engage themselves by posting their thoughts on Optus products and services, finding posts by people with similar interests, asking questions, receiving responses from Optus staff and other and fellow customers. A business forum is also available for all business related conversation. Within My Optus Community is the “Optus Business Insights Blog” this blog is dedicated to all small, medium and large businesses or tech savvy consumers who want to keep up to date with the world of technology. Successfully entrepreneurs and well known businesses share blogs regularly on strategies and uprising issues within the economy. This blog is definitely a one stop hot spot for all business and technology gurus. By using forums and blogs, Optus are successfully able to [1] gather information and [2] crowd source resources and solutions, providing its customers with a secure, interactive, trusted and central source of information.



Last, but certainly one of the most interesting and efficient methods of engaging the on-line community. Webinars, in simple English “online seminars” are held regularly by Optus further educating their consumers on a range of topics anywhere from up and coming technology to business strategies to the current economic climate. Customers are able watch these seminars live, or replay previous ones and attend educational events in central venues across the country. Optus has successfully “executed their mission” by [6] educating the public and [7] engaging supports with the introduction of their Webinars.

This concludes today’s post on Optus’ enterprise 2.0 implementation! I personally love the idea of the Webinars. This allows Optus to stay one step ahead of its competitors, these Webinars are held by successful and respectable businesses. Normal people like us can find out first hand the big boys like to play. Check out the video below on “Optus Future of Business”! Thanks again readers, please post your thoughts and opinions on Optus’s Enterprise 2.0 implementation!

Are you a Panda lover? Check out the WWF’s enterprise 2.0 campaign!


Welcome to my new and old readers! For the newcomers, this blog is dedicated to the world of Enterprise 2.0. In today’s post, I will be discussing the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a non-profit organization and the benefits realized from its Enterprise 2.0 implementation, in relation to the 2012 McKinsey Global Institute report.  In order to investigate the benefits of WWF’s enterprise 2.0 achievement, they will be analyzed against two social technology value levers: “Collect information and insights” and “Mobilize Resources”.

What is WWF?

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is the world’s leading, independent conservation organization. This non-profit organization was founded in 1961 and is active in over 100 countries with nearly an astonishing 70% of their annual income funded by their dedicated supporters. According to the WWF website, their mission is to “stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:

  • conserving the world’s biological diversity
  • ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable
  • promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption”

Collect Information and Insights

The power of social media has been used as a major advantage for non-profit organizations over the years. Social media tools such as WWF’s company Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Flickr accounts have allowed WWF to engage the community by sharing information and environmental issues, posting updates on pressing matters, sharing videos and photos, provoking discussion, participating in polls, and encouraging donation all from the comfort of the users home. According to Claire Carlton, the Social Media Manager of WWF “These tools have provided us with the opportunity to engage supporters and reach new audiences in a way we have not ever been able to in the past”.

This is where the WWF’s social media strategy truly shines, they have successfully built an online community which has been used as a method of “crowd-sourcing” . This community is a critical driver behind the success of the WWF,  the social media platforms allow supporters to engage themselves with saving the planet and preserve the earth’s natural resources. According to Carlton, users  “Can take actions via our advocacy network, donate, get RSS feeds, post banners on their social pages, view WWF videos and photos, and start discussions. We also invite them to take polls and comment on our stories so we can learn about what they find relevant and important”. An example of WWF’s community engagement, is their recent Facebook campaign aimed at bringing attention to the extinction of the “Tiger”. The WWF has encouraged Facebook and Twitter users to change their profile picture to of a Tiger avatar. Small interactive campaigns and polls all contribute to further engaging, educating and creating awareness within the community.

Mobilize Resources

As I stated earlier, 70% of the WWF’s annual income is funded by their dedicated supporters. So what measures exactly have they implemented to support their large funding contribution. One of the most interesting, innovative and successful endeavors if the “Little Things That Mean The World Campaign” directed towards mobile users. So what is the innovative idea behind this campaign? The WWF Wildlife Mobile aimed at making their fans activists in the business. The WWF Mobile is a mobile phone network based on Vodafone. The WWF’s campaign is to operate with minimal profit so that customers receive better standard call rates without compromising on their service or network coverage (as the provider is through Vodafone), with proceeds supporting wildlife conservation. Customers have the ability to raise money for conservation, simply by just talking on the phone with no extra cost!.

Now the benefits don’t stop for customers! The concept behind the campaign is that little things customers do makes a huge difference to the world. Facebook (as it’s a low cost third party application) fans that engage themselves with content surrounding the WWF are rewarded with “offline” products, such as free minutes for call usage, partnership products and other “goodies”.

So there you go folks! Customers can help Wildlife by literally changing their mobile phone provider (Vodafone – 99.7% coverage), without losing any call quality and save wildlife at the same time! Sounds like a win-win campaign to me!

That’s a wrap for this week’s post, fellow bloggers what do you think about the WWF’s mobile campaign? I myself am considering changing phone providers to help conserve the environment!

Is Twitter the devil in disguise for Qantas? Check out the reputation issues Qantas has suffered in the past few years!

Another week, another post! Welcome back my fellow readers to another stimulating instalment of my blog! This week I will be talking about the legal risks revolving around social media in the use of organizations. In particular, I will be focusing on the issues surround Qantas.

Qantas has grown to be Australia’s largest domestic and international airline employing over 33,000 people within Australia.

With an increased number of organizations jumping on the social media bandwagon, it is imperative that they implement a Social Media Policy (SMP) to mitigate and eliminate any associated risks. The purpose of an SMP is to successfully communicate what is acceptable and what is unacceptable conduct on social networking sites by employers and contractors.

Qantas has made its name known on a range of social networking sites from Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and most predominantly  Twitter, resulting in enormous reputational risks for Australia’s top airline. Twitter being the “hotspot” for companies complaints and opinions, with customers from all over the world tweeting their Qantas experiences.

In 2011, social media erupted when the CEO of Qantas grounded the entire Qantas fleet stranding  over 68,000 passengers across the globe. The Qantas website remained on-line but access to frequent flyer accounts were inaccessible, fuming customers took their anger and enquires through Facebook and Twitter. So the logical thing to do from a customers point of view would be to use the companies social networking sites for support, correct? This is a lot more efficient than sitting on the phone dialing a 13 000 number and waiting 20minutes for a useless response. This is where QANTAS made its mistake, by going against its customer service strategy and leaving complaints and questions unanswered.  Below is some tweets from unhappy Qantas customers who were only looking for useful and real-time information! Resulting in its brand sinking to a new low!



Another blow to Qantas’s reputation occurred when a harmless tweeted competition turned into a social catastrophe attracting unhappy customers and internet trolls across the globe. The company tweeted a competition with a prize of Qantas first class pajamas and amenity kits, resulting in sarcastic tweets and disgruntled customers. Yes, another negative experience the company faced from Twitter.


So what did Qantas do to eliminate and mitigate the reputational risks involved in their social media voyage? A decision to hire 4 social media managers to represent Qantas’s was actioned by the CEO to solely manage the social networking sites of Qantas. Recently in early 2013, Qantas announced that it will no longer be using twitter and customers will be directed to their new website newsroom for updates and support.



That’s all folks! Another blog done and dusted! please post your thoughts and opinions! What do you think about Qantas’s social media fails? Before you go here is a parody I found in relation to the competition tweeted by Qantas, enjoy!

The 6 commandments of social media success. Why Starbucks is a god in the world of social media marketing!!

Welcome fellow bloggers! To another exciting instalment of the world of enterprise 2.0! Today’s post is focused on one of the world’s most successful social media marketers!


Starbucks, one of the top coffee giants in the world today with over a whopping 18,000 retail stores in over 60 different countries. Being one of the first companies to jump on the social media roller-coaster, Starbucks has grown to be a god in the digital realm by cracking the social media code and doing what all businesses struggle to do – turn their social media fans into revenue!

So what is the key behind Starbucks social media campaign? Alexandra Wheeler head of Starbucks global digital marketing sector revealed on Adweek their social media strategy “to cultivate and create great consumer value and great consumer relationships”. This focus on building relationships with its consumers rather than a “sales” driven approach is one of the leading drivers of Starbucks social media success. It is critical to think outside of the box in today’s competitive economy to continue to generate revenue whilst keeping expenses at a minimum.

So what types of social media has Starbucks made an impact in? They have built their campaign around the company website and 6 main social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Google+, YouTube and My Starbucks Ideas (an interactive scheme allowing users to submit their creative ideas and thoughts on Starbucks followed by a voting poll for the most popular ones). Below is Starbucks ranking against other competitor restaurants in the world of social media.


Source: 6 Reasons Starbucks Excels at Social Media Marketing – ZOG Digital 2013 –

By dominating a number of social media platforms, Starbucks continues to build strong long lasting relationships with its consumers by using these platforms to interact with them, listening to their opinions and thoughts, opening discussion forums and voting polls, tweeting important messages and successfully advertising sales and promotions. They have eliminated the typical annoying company that purely cares about making the moolah and focuses on making a friend in every customer – this is where Starbucks retains its current an continues to grow its consumer base.

So now that you know how Starbucks cracked the social media code, what strategies can you adopt from them to assist your organization in its success? Here is the  6 social media commandments according to ZOG Digital (2013)

1. Super Influences

With a strong focus on building relationships rather than sales driven approach, Starbucks continues to retain current consumers and attract new ones by focusing on customer service and making each experience more memorable than the last

2. Encourage Sharing

Customers that are more happy are shown to share their experiences. An example of this is a holiday promotion “buy 1 get 1 free”  promotion

3. Unique experience

The key to consumer satisfaction is making them feel valuable, not looking at them with a dollar sign covering them. With loyalty programs and unique store experiences as well as presence in Instagram and Pinterest allowing consumers to share their Starbucks moments.

4. They make a difference in the world!

Starbucks is involved in a number of charitable campaigns with each coffee purchased going to a good cause. As caffeine is known as an addiction, each coffee purchased has proceeds going to a good cause!

5. Ability to cross-promote

When Starbucks posts something on one social media platform it promotes it to another…. For example when they take a photo and upload it on Instagram its posted on Facebook and tweeted on twitter and so forth.

6. They make it count!

Their mission “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time”. Focusing on lifting customers up will learn to increased loyalty!

And that’s a wrap! There you go folks, another exciting yet informative post on the world of enterprise 2.0! What are other giants that have successfully jumped on the social media roller-coaster? Post your thoughts and opinions! Before you leave be sure to watch this funny Starbucks commercial I came across!



The Advancement of Web 2.0 – Why even leave the comfort of your couch?

With the dawn of technology and the advancement of Web 2.0, why even leave the comfort of your couch? Welcome back my fellow readers for another thrilling instalment of my blog dedicated to the world of Enterprise 2.0! In today’s post, I will be sharing my top 3 web 2.0 tools that has proven valuable for my personal, educational and work related life!

Now, let’s take a moment to think about how life would be without Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, Wikis, Skype, Blogs and so forth? With the rapid development of technology and the reliance of these tools to assist and replace daily activities, do we even realize the benefits? How would life be without these tools? We are constantly on our smartphone’s, tablets, pc’s involving ourselves in these on-line communities, building networks, creating knowledge and sharing opinions and experiences – so what benefits does Web 2.0 play in our lives? An interesting study by The Mckinsey Global Institute (MGI)  – “The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies” sums up what social media can do for both private and business use. Below is a diagram illustrating different Web 2.0 tools and their capabilities, it’s crazy how much we rely on technology and how much we can do without even leaving the comfort of our own homes.

ImageSource: The Mckinsey Global Institute (MGI)  – “The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies” 

Hopefully after reading through that article, or like most people – looking only at the picture above to get a snapshot of it. I hope I have successfully brainwashed you all on the benefits of web 2.0 and the role it plays in our everyday lives. Now I would like to share my top 3 tools that I use on a daily basis.

1. Facebook


Facebook, cliché yet currently the most popular social media networking site out there (followed by Twitter). Facebook aside from its social benefits, has deemed extremely useful in the field of educational purpose. With the introduction of “Facebook Groups” this has been my the glue that has held all my group work together throughout my years at university. Allowing users to send notifications to members, upload documents, apply revisions and create group chats eliminating the need for face-to-face meeting.

Pro tip: When posting a notification in your group, underneath the post it has a “seen by” function, this is extremely useful when figuring out who is dodging your posts!

2. Skype


The most popular VOIP software application out on the market! Skype has been a extremely useful tool in all aspects of my life, catching up with family and friends, voice and video calling for business meetings and file sharing for group work! Skype has definitely been my primary option for group meetings as it eliminates the need to come into university (in most circumstances).

3. YouTube


The most popular video sharing website, allowing users to view, share and upload videos. I must admit I access YouTube on a daily basis, in terms of its social and educational capabilities. Whether it’s looking up music clips, watching movies, learning how to do configure my router, cooking tutorials, fitness information. YouTube has been my number 1 stop for entertainment and instructional use.


There you go folks! My top 3 web 2.0 tools that I use on a daily basis for personal, educational and business use. Please post your thoughts and opinions on what you would do without these tools? Do you agree / disagree with my top 3? What do you use on a daily basis? P.s – I am NOT a Twitter fan, what is all the hype about it? Seems like another social media platform to me!

The ULTIMATE Blogging Guide in history is finally REVEALED!

BLOGGERS UNITE! You!, yes you soldier No not you with the blue hair, yes you!. Welcome my fellow blogger, you have stumbled upon the ULTIMATE blogging guide in the blogosphere!

See what I did there? No? I have subliminally used two different blogging strategies within the first minute of you visiting my blog!


Now that your seizure has calmed down from my background, I’d like to personally welcome you to my blog dedicated to the world of Enterprise 2.0, where I  will be regularly posting on a weekly basis. Now I bet you’re all wondering where this ultimate guide to blogging is? Don’t distress, the ultimate guide cannot be complete without you! I invite each and everyone of you out in the blogosphere to comment here and articulate your thoughts, opinions and facts on how and what makes a good blog!

Don’t be fooled, I didn’t make you read this far for no reason! Now to share some of my secrets on the art of “blogging”, how exactly do you as a “noobie” attract readers to consider visiting your blog? The answer is truly simple!

  1. Catchy Title

So simple yet underused but extremely effective! After all, it grabbed your attention right? The first mistake noobie’s incur is creating blogs with bland titles. I invite you, to make use of these “cliche” titles as they have been proven to be successful to gain the average readers attention. Some examples you may use:

  • 10 Tips to lose that stubborn fat of your belly!
  • The Ultimate Guide to [Category]
  • “How to” double your savings within the first quarter!

   2. Develop a style of writing

It is crucial to develop a style of writing to engage the reader. Nobody likes tonnes and tonne’s of text, throw a couple of pictures in, a video of even a teaser. Readers need to be “shocked” constantly throughout your blog to remain attentive, even if they are interested in a similar topic. Pro tip: try writing your blog as though you are having a conversation.

    3. Invite and challenge your readers!

Interaction in a blog will make or break the level of attention it receives. Blogs with more comments and likes are more likely to be read than others with minimal activity. Therefore it is important to engage your readers and encourage them to challenge what you write, engage in discussion and most of all, create an atmosphere where bloggers from all around the world can come together and meet others with similar interests and opinions. 

Well done, you’re almost there, now that you have your blog created, the next step is getting it out into the blogosphere! Branding your profile within cyberspace will increase your readership, methods such as Facebook, Twitter and blog lists are great tools to get the word out! Be proactive and continually advertise your blog in a range of methods to gain different levels of audiences.

An interesting blog or forum which I actively use is reddit, a social networking and entertainment website that allows users to post, comment and vote on content update. I personally enjoy reading this for entertainment, although they do provide interesting reads and helpful posts for example, building the best pc for $1000. I have yet to stumble across a body-building blog, if you know of any please post!

I will leave you with a few wise words, “update your blog regularly, advertise them on social networking sites and interact on other blogs to continually grow and fund your readership”.

Now this guide wouldn’t be “ultimate” without you! So whether you’re a noob, an intermediate or a established blogger please leave your thoughts and comments on methods of a creating a successful blog. All feedback is appreciated!
